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Aris Pallikaris, MSc

Aris Pallikaris, MSc


BioMedical Engineer, Research Assistant
Adaptive Optics and Retinal imaging


Aristofanis Pallikaris was born in 23/09/1975 and completed his undergraduate studies in Electrical Engineering at the Albert Nerken School of Engineering, The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, New York, USA in 1999. For the completion of his undergraduate studies, he received a full scholarship from the University.  Following his undergraduate studies, he received a full scholarship from the University of Rochester and completed a Master of Science degree on Biomedical Engineering in 2003. Currently, he is completing his PhD degree in the Neuroscience Department of the University of Crete with a thesis on confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (expected dissertation date June 2012). During his PhD studies, he also received a 1 year scholarship from the University of Crete. Apart from his educational experience, he has been also active in gaining working experience by being an employee mainly in laboratories of the aforementioned Universities. His most important working experience relates to the overall management of the Biomedical Optics and Imaging laboratory of the Institute of Vision and Optics. He has published 31 investigations in peer-reviewed medical journals, has a considerable number of presentations in international and national conferences, has given over 30 invited lectures in international conferences, while recently he has been the primary investigator of the Institute of Vision and Optics in an international clinical trial with respect to a new microperimetry device assigned by CenterVue Spa, Padova, Italy. In addition to that, he has been a member and invited speaker of the eye knowledge network (international e-health educational network), a reviewer of 3 ophthalmological peer-reviewed journals, and a member of an educational program established by the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery.

Phone:+30 2810 394807